Angered Manson Girls Ousted Again
Saturday, March 13th, 1971
LOS ANGELES, Mar. 13 — Charles Manson lost his temper again Friday at the Sharon Tate murder trial and was removed from the courtroom to an adjacent holding cell.
Manson’s outburst during the afternoon session came several hours after he was issued a “final warning” in the morning by Superior Court Judge Charles H. Older.
Manson’s attorney, Irving Kanarek, was questioning Steven Grogan, 19, one-time member of Manson’s “family” who himself has been indicted for a separate murder.
Grogan was volunteering answers before Kanarek could ask the questions and Older admonished him to desist.
“That guy don’t know what questions to ask,” Manson said of Kanarek. He has tried repeatedly to fire the attorney.
Older told bailiffs to remove Manson until he could pledge to conduct himself in a “proper manner.
“Your requirements as to what is the proper manner change from time to time ” Manson told the judge on his way out.
Manson came very close to being ejected during the morning session.
Seconds before the trial recessed for the day, Manson’s three women codefendants began mumbling during cross examination of Grogan by prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi.
Older ordered them taken from the courtroom and told them that they like Manson, must promise to behave before they could return.
Manson interrupted the testimony of a shorthand reporter to suggest that someone told her to “lose her memory.”
Superior Court Judge Charles H. Older, who has banished Manson from the court in the past for such remarks, warned Mm he would be locked up in an anteroom if he persisted.
“I find it hard to give the court the respect it doesn’t give itself,” Manson huffed.
Older said that was his “final warning” and Manson subsided for the time being.
Carmela Ambrosini, the shorthand reporter, was relating how she took down a statement by defendant Susan Atkins prior to the trial.
At that time Miss Atkins was cooperating with the prosecution, although she later recanted her grand jury testimony which led to the indictments of herself, Manson, and two other young women.
Richard Callero, attorney for Miss Atkins at the time, had summoned Miss Ambrosini to the women’s jail to record the statement. Also present, she said, was a reporter from the Los Angeles Times, who did most of the questioning.
Miss Ambrosini said she asked about the court order prohibiting out of court statements by principles in the case and was told it didn’t apply to the statement.
Caballero testified earlier that the purpose.of the interview was twofold: to give the reporter an account of Miss Atkins’ life up until the time she met Manson, and to be used for a psychiatric evaluation in entering a possible insanity plea.