Jul. 10 – Attorneys representing Leslie Van Houten are asking the California Supreme Court to review Gavin Newsom’s reversal of her 2019 parole grant.
On Tuesday, Van Houten’s attorney, Richard Pfeiffer, filed a 38-page brief petitioning the state’s high court to weigh in on the decision which has been upheld in the superior and appellate courts.
In January, the California Supreme Court granted review of former governor Jerry Brown’s reversal of Van Houten’s 2017 parole grant. But the case was dismissed and remanded to the appellate court, who made no changes to their previous ruling.
Van Houten should stay in prison until she dies.
Stay in prison
She should have been out long ago. It’s political. No matter how “famous” the case was, her remaining in prison cannot be justified. Many others who’ve done worse have been released. Considering the releasing of prisoners lately – many of whom are still young and capable of committing many more years of unspeakably violent crimes, her continued incarceration should make everyone ask: What is really going on?
She needs to remain in prison until she dies!
She does not deserve to be released at all, her and her “family members ” didn’t show Sharon or her friends any mercy!
So yes she deserves to stay in prison where she belongs until she dies!!
Why is the LAPD covering up the 20 hours worth of Tex Watson’s taped confession with his family lawyer in 1969???? Has ANYONE commenting about how “she should die in prison” read Tom O’Neill’s expose on how Bugliosi’s version of events is a total lie -a lie which covers up the government’s true role in these horrific murders??? Van Houten is an easy scapegoat and a distraction from the real perpetrators of these horrific murders, but she was only 19 years old and a victim of MKULTRA mind control, and NONE of us could’ve faired better in her soes.
And where’s the outrage over the government’s role in protecting Manson as he mind-controlled these kids to murder with LSD provided by the government?
Where’s the petition to force the LAPD to release Tex Watson’s 20 hr confession to the public? What are they covering up that Tex Watson exposed in those 1969 confession tapes?
KathleenM says:
Why is the LAPD covering up the 20 hours worth of Tex Watson’s taped confession with his family lawyer in 1969?
This isn’t known. On the one hand, we’ve been told that they were assisting the police in investigation of other crimes. On the other, they say there’s nothing to add to the case as we know it and that there’s just hours of Watson rambling about underground worlds and espousing bizarre racial theories.
Has ANYONE commenting about how “she should die in prison” read Tom O’Neill’s expose on how Bugliosi’s version of events is a total lie -a lie which covers up the government’s true role in these horrific murders?
Well, I’ve read the book and while it’s a good book with lots of information that I hadn’t been privy to before, it’s more than a stretch to say that Bugliosi’s version of events is “a lie” or that the government had anything to do with the murders. That statement is a fantasy.
Van Houten is an easy scapegoat and a distraction from the real perpetrators of these horrific murders
I agree with you that Leslie is an easy scapegoat for some. Just a look at April’s comment 3 above this one shows that ~ and she’s not the only person that connects Leslie Van Houten with the murder of Sharon Tate.
But she was one of the real perpetrators in the set of murders that weekend, make no mistake about that. Even Leslie doesn’t deny that and she wasn’t denying it back in 1969 either, once she’d been identified as one of the perps.
but she was only 19 years old and a victim of MKULTRA mind control
My mum was engaged to my dad at 17, married him at 24 and was still married to him at 67 when he died. We are more than capable of making lifelong decisions at 19.
You have absolutely no evidence, let alone proof, that she had the slightest connection with MKULTRA or that Charles Manson did either. And neither did Tom O’Neill.
You seem to me to be rather like most of us that encountered the book “Helter Skelter” back in the 70s and pretty much took every word as gospel fact and truth, except that you’re doing it with “Chaos.” Now, interestingly, over the years, “Helter Skelter” underwent revisions as new pieces of information came up and were rigorously tested. I personally could see numerous holes in Tom’s book and even he had to admit in the book that he faced a major problem ~ namely that so many of his theories/leads seemed so promising and taken on their own could be used to fight “Helter Skelter” ~ but they couldn’t all be true. Yet he argues with such weight as to the veracity of each one without actually being able to say “that was it, that’s what happened !”
As I say, it’s a good book and I recommend it to anyone but the weight it places behind its own truth is its greatest weakness.
NONE of us could’ve fared better in her shoes
I partially agree with that and I partially disagree with that.
I agree with it insofar as none of us can say how we would have been impacted by lots of LSD, mescaline and marijuana use on a daily basis in that atmosphere. Some of us would’ve mentally folded like a pack of cards, some of us would have thrived.
But some in the Family that were subject to what Leslie was subject to did “fare better.” Linda, TJ, Ella-Jo, Brooks, Dianne, Paul Watkins to name but a few.
And where’s the outrage over the government’s role in protecting Manson as he mind-controlled these kids to murder with LSD provided by the government?
As said before, there’s no evidence of that at all. There’s supposition and cynicism but no facts, not of the government masterminding it all.
Where’s the petition to force the LAPD to release Tex Watson’s 20 hr confession to the public?
It seems to me that the Californian and American public at large couldn’t give a damn about the tapes of a man who is doing life made 51 years ago. There’s relatively only a small band of brigands like us that have any interest in them and that’s only because we have an interest in the case and we’re nosey. With Watson doing a life stretch and unlikely to get out soon, what’s honestly to be gained ? He’s coming up for 75. I’m not even in America but I’d bet you the majority of the population couldn’t tell you who Charles Watson is.
What are they covering up that Tex Watson exposed in those 1969 confession tapes?
Be careful what you wish for. It may be that the stuff that’s being “covered up” as you put it is stuff that could be construed as making Leslie look a lot worse than she currently does. Tex kept saying “if you want to know the answers, read my book.” Well, the authorities obviously did because they slayed him in his last parole hearing with inconsistencies found in his book. A similar thing has just happened to Bobby Beausoleil.
All these conspiracy theory fantasies are just nonsense. Of course with any high-profile case this kind of silliness is going to spring up – as outlandish and ludicrous as the imaginations of the people who dream them up. We know exactly what happened from scores of interviews with those involved. Manson was a nut-case loser who loved to play the victim and his bitterness and jealousy caused him to strike out at people who were successful. He had whipped his followers into hysteria with his paranoid fantasies and knew which ones were violent sociopaths he could count on to carry out murders of complete strangers. ALL of the Manson Monsters should, and hopefully will, die in prison. They are each responsible for making the decisions to commit the acts that got them there. There are no victims except for the innocent people these monsters killed.